The SR-71 Blackbird

The CIA A-12 Blackbird Program


The A-12 started out as an USAF interceptor to replace the cancelled F-108A Rapier. In October 1962, CIA authorized the Skunk Works to study the feasibility of modifying the A-12 to carry and deploy a reconnaissance drone for unmanned overflight of denied areas. The project was codenamed TAGBOARD.

11 Feb 2018

SR-71A Blackbird #17978 / #2029

SR-71A Blackbird #17978 / #2029

Author: SR Admin  /  Categories: SR-71A, Lost  /  Rate this article:

Nicknamed the "Rapid Rabbit", this aircraft was written off on 20 July 1972 during the roll out phase of its landing. In extreme crosswinds, the pilot, Captain Dennis K. Bush attempted a landing at Kadena deploying the drag chute to combat the crosswind situation and slow the plane.  A go-around was initiated after the chute was jettisoned when it became obvious the rollout would not be successful. Note: Release of the chute is normal in a crosswind situation to prevent the plane from weather-vaning into the wind. On the next landing attempt, the aircraft touched down slightly "hot" but he had no chute to reduce the aircraft's speed. The pilot was unable to keep the plane on the runway due to the crosswinds. The landing gear hit a concrete barrier. The aircraft suffered significant damage but the pilot and the RSO, Captain James W. Fagg escaped without injury.

They tried to destroy the aircraft by burning it, but were not successful. It has been said that #978 was buried there at Kadena, however, some parts including the rudders were used on other Blackbirds. 


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