The SR-71 Blackbird

The Blackbird Aircraft

This list contains every Blackbird ever constructed. Each listing has information and photos along with its current location and map. Search for a specific tail number or click on a location to find where Blackbirds are located.

10 Feb 2018

A-12 Blackbird #06930 / #127

A-12 Blackbird #06930 / #127

Author: SR Admin  /  Categories: A-12, Alabama  /  Rate this article:

Flights: 258

Hours: 499.2


Home to Space Camp®, Aviation Challenge® Camp, and Robotics Camp the U.S. Space & Rocket Center (USSRC) is the largest spaceflight museum in the world. Its large rocket and space hardware collection is valued in the tens of millions of dollars. The USSRC’s large rocket and space hardware collection contains more than 1,500 items and is valued in the tens of millions of dollars. From America’s first satellite, Explorer I, to next generation space vehicles like Sierra Nevada’s Dream Chaser, the museum showcases the past, present and future of human spaceflight.




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